Curriculum Vitae
Miklós Törkenczy




2009          dr habil., Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest

2006          Doctor of Science (DSc) in Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

dissertation:The Phonotactics of Hungarian

1994          PhD in Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

 dissertation: A magyar szótag szerkezete [The Structure of the Hungarian Syllable]

 1987         University Doctorate (dr. univ.) in English Linguistics Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

dissertation: On English Phonotactics: What Phoneme Clusters Are Possible?

1980          MA in English and General Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest




1981-present  Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University), Budapest


1995-present              Department of English Linguistics

2013-present               head of English Linguistics PhD programme

2010-present               full professor

2003-2011                   head of department

1995-2010                   associate professor


1990-present             Theoretical Linguistics Department

core member


1982-1995       Department of English Language and Literature

1988-1995                  associate professor/reader

1985-1988                   assistant professor  

1982-1985                   temporary lecturer

1982-1985       Department of Phonetics

assistant research fellow

                                    1981-1982                  temporary assistant research fellow

1994-present    Research Institute for Linguistics (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

                                 2009-                    research professor

                                 1994-2009            senior research fellow

                                 1992-1994            research fellow


2005                Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology                  Visiting Scientist


1999-2000      Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology                  Fulbright Scholar (research)


1998               Holland Institute of Linguistics, University of Leiden

                                                            Visiting Scholar


1993                Linguistic Institute, Ohio State University

                                                            Institute Affiliate


1991-92          Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology                  Visiting Scientist


1987-88           Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London

British Council Scholar


1980-81           Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium

English teacher


2001-2004       Széchenyi István Ösztöndíj

1999-2000       Fulbright Research Grant

1998-2000       Central European University, Group Research Support Scheme grant

1997-2001       Széchenyi Professzori Ösztöndíj

1996                Telegdi Zsigmond Ösztöndíj

1994-1996       Central European University, Research Support Scheme grant


1988-1994           Magyar Fonológiai Projektum [Hungarian Phonology Project]; investigator (principal investigator: Ferenc Kiefer, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

1997-1998           Számítógépes nyelvészeti kutatások MKM 324 [Research in computational linguistics]; investigator (principal investigator: László Kálmán, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

1995-1998           A lexikon elmélete és alkalmazása a szótárkészítésben OTKA T01800 The theory of the lexicon and its application in lexicography]; investigator (pricipal investigator: Zoltán Bánréti /András Komlósy, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

1996-1999           Az Elméleti Nyelvészet Szak kurrikulumának kibővitése számítógépes modellek oktatásával [Improving the curriculum of the Theoreticall inguistics Programme by introducing the teaching of computational models] Soros grant; investigator (principal investigator: László Kálmán/Zoltán Bánréti, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme)

1991-1999           Strukturális magyar nyelvtani kutatások OTKA T018131 [Hungarian structural grammar project]; investigator (principal investigator: Ferenc Kiefer, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

1997-1998           Új képzési alprogramok és oktatási formák az Elméleti Nyelvészet szakon MKM PFP 0040/1997 [New teaching projects and methods at in the Theoretical Linguistics Programme]; investigator (principal investigator: László Kálmán/Zoltán Bánréti, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme)

 1997-1998          Tehetséggondozás hallgatói kutatóműhelyek kialakításával az Elméleti Nyelvészet szakon MKM PFP 5025; investigator (principal investigator: László Kálmán/Zoltán Bánréti, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme)

 1998-2000          A computational model for processing lexical information, Research Support Scheme, OSI RSS320/1998; investigator (principal investigator: Zoltán Bánréti, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme)

 1999-2002          Egyetemközi nyelvészháló (238/60, 238/124, 238/157) [Inter-university linguistics network]; investigator (principal investigator: Zoltán Bánréti, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme)

 2002-2003          Laboratory Phonology Curriculum Development Competition, Central European University; principal investigator: Miklós Törkenczy, ELTE Theoretical Linguistics Programme

 2005-2008          A fonológia és a morfológia analógia-alapú formális megközelítése OTKA 49327 [Analogy-based Formal Approach to Phonology and Morphology] principal investigator: Miklós Törkenczy, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences

 2013-2016          Variáció a fonológiában OTKA 104897 [Variation in phonology]; investigator (principal investigator: Péter Szigetvári, Eötvös Loránd University, ELTE)

 2016-2020          A magánhangzó-harmónia mintázatainak kísérleti és elméleti vizsgálata NKFI 119863 [Experimental and theoretical investigations of vowel harmony patterns]; investigator (principal investigator: Péter Rebrus, Institute for Linguistics Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

 2021-2025          A paradigmaszerkezet szerepe a magyar fonológiában és alaktanban nyelvtipológiai szempontból NKFI 139271 [The role of paradigm structure in Hungarian morphology and phonology with typological comparisons]; investigator (principal investigator: Péter Rebrus, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)


Advanced Core Training in Linguistics (PhD) University College London

Two problems associated with the non-status of ‘paradigm’ in phonology, January-March 2008


Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics, University of Tromsø

Paradigm Uniformity and Contrast, Paradigm Gaps, May 2005

Debreceni Egyetem, a Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság Nyelvtudományi Munkabizottsága és a MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézete V. Nyelvészeti Szuperkurzus:

 Rosszulformáltság a fonológiában (defektivitás) [Absolute ungrammaticality in phonology (defectiveness)], April 2005

courses taught at the
English Linguistics department & Theoretical Linguistics Department, Eötvös Loránd University include


Word Stress; Topics in English Phonology; Advanced phonology (BA lecture); Phonology (lecture); Phonology (seminar); English Phonetics and Phonology (lecture); English Phonetics and Phonology (seminar); English Segmental Phonology; Topics in the Lexical Phonology of English; Introduction to English Linguistics (seminar),; English Phonology (PhD course); Advanced English Phonology (PhD course); Readings in English Phonology; Articulatory Phonetics; Other Accents of English; Accents of English (lecture)


Advanced non-linear phonology; Introduction to generative phonology; Hungarian phonology; The syllable; Phonology I.; Phonology II.; Government phonology; Advanced phonology; Laboratory phonology; Analogy in phonology and morphology; Defectiveness; Phonotactics and defectiveness; Vowel harmony; Readings in phonology and morphology