Starting Page > Departments > Department of Theoretical Linguistics > Beáta Gyuris > Presentations



’A kérdések jelentésének formális modellezése és a "tűnődő" kérdések’. PTE BTK — SIGNUM Group, Pécs. 6 May 2014.(.pdf)

(with Hans-Martin Gärtner) On Incorporated Zero Token Demonstratives in Hungarian Quotative Inversion. Workshop Demonstration and Demonstratives. Stuttgart University. 11-12 April 2014.

‘New perspectives on bias in polar questions: a study of Hungarian’. RIL HAS Budapest, MASZAT Meeting. 27 March 2014.

‘A kvantorhatókört befolyásoló tényezők a magyarban.’ RIL HAS Budapest, Elmélet és kısérlet a nyelvészetben [Theory and experiments in linguistics] roundtable. 25 February 2014.

(with Hans-Martin Gärtner) Polar questions and bias types: evidence from Hungarian. Workshop on "The role of modal particles in diverse speech acts". University of Venice, 3 – 4 October 2013.

‘A magyar eldöntendő kérdő mondatok interpretációjához.’ RIL HAS Budapest, 19 September 2013.

(with Mády, Katalin and Ádám Szalontai) ’Phrase-initial boundary tones in Hungarian interrogatives and exclamatives.’ Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference (IDP 2013). University of Leuven, Belgium, 11-13 September 2013.

'Experimental investigations on the prosody of Hungarian exclamatives' (with Katalin Mády and Ádám Szalontai). Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 30 May, 2013(.pdf)

'Vannak-e szabályai a vajon előfordulásának a beszédben?' A beszéd és ami mögötte van workshop. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 25 April, 2013(.pdf)

'A magyar (kontrasztív) topik prozódiájának kísérletes vizsgálata' (with Katalin Mády). Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 18 September, 2010(.pdf)

'Contrastive topics between syntax and pragmatics in Hungarian: An experimental analysis' (with Katalin Mády). Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU München, 24 June 2010(.pdf)

'Kontrastive Topiks im Ungarischen zwischen Syntax und Pragmatik: Eine Experimentelle Analyse' (with Katalin Mády). Semantic und Pragmatik im Südwesten 2010,28-29 May 2010, Göttingen(.pdf)

'Contrastive topics between syntax and pragmatics in Hungarian: An experimental analysis' (with Katalin Mády). 46th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, 6-10 April 2010

'Hungarian polar interrogatives with and without -e.' Second Workshop on Modalpartikeln und Satztypen im Sprachvergleich Deutsch-Ungarisch, Göttingen, 18-19 March 2010

' "Tagging" Hungarian.' Talk given at the LAGB Fiftieth Anniversary Golden Jubilee Meeting, University of Edinburgh, UK. 6-9 September 2009.(.pdf)

'Csak: From an exclusive particle to a context marker.' Workshop Modalpartikeln und Satztypen im Sprachvergleich Deutsch-Ungarisch, Budapest, RIL HAS, 24-25 Aug. 2009

'Modulating question acts: The case of Hungarian particle vajon' (with Hans-Martin Gärtner). Talk given at the 10th Szklarska Porêba Workshop. 12-16 March 2009.(.pdf)

'A magyar diskurzus-partikulák interpretációja a mondatfajta és az intonáció tükrében: Az ugye partikula elemzése.' [The interpretation of Hungarian discourse particles, and their interactions with sentence type and intonaiton. The analysis of the particle ugye.] Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 20 January 2009.(.pdf)

'Sentence-types, discourse particles and intonation in Hungarian.' Talk given at Sinn und Bedeutung 13, Univ. Stuttgart, 30 September - 1 October 2008.

'The interpretation of a contrast-marking particle.' Talk given at the 18th International Congress of Linguists. Korea University, Seoul, Korea. 21-26 July 2008.

'Hangsúly = fókusz? A hangsúlyos csak diskurzus-partikula interpretációja.' [Stress = focus? the interpretation of the stressed csak discourse particle] Talk given at the Seventh Conference on the New Methods of Describing Present-Day Hungarian. Szeged, 25-26 October 2007.(.pdf)

'Interpreting vajon' (with Hans-Martin Gärtner). Talk given at ICSH8, NYU/CUNY, New York City, 24-26 May 2007.(.pdf)

'Contrasting expectations: the Hungarian modal particle csak.' Talk given at the 3rd Workshop on Contrast, ZAS Berlin, 3-4 May 2007.(.pdf)

'A csak mint diskurzus-partikula'. [Csak as a discourse particle.] Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 24 April 2007.(.pdf)

'A fókusz és hatókör összefüggései a magyarban'. [The interactions between focus and scope in Hungarian.] Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 23 November 2006. (.pdf)

'Contrastive topics in Hungarian: syntax or semantics?' Talk given at the Workshop on Contrast, Information Structure and Intonation, 28-29 October 2005, Stockholm.

'Stylistic postposing or something else?' Talk given at the 7th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, 29-31 May 2005, Veszprém.

'Once more on contrastive topics: discourse environments, intonation and interpretation'. ZAS Semantikkreis, Berlin, 14 February 2005.

'Weak quantifiers in contrastive topic.' Talk given at the Indefinites and Weak Quantifiers Conference. Brussels, 6-8 January 2005.

'All contrastive topics are not equal: A reconsideration of the puzzle of the narrow scope readings'. Talk at the NOW-OTKA Project Meeting Syntax, Semantics and Phonology of the Left Periphery, 1-2 December 2004, Leiden.

'A kontrasztív topik és a kollektivitás'. Talk at the VII. Magyar Nemzetközi Nyelvtudomanyi Kongresszus, 29-31 Aug., 2004.

'The narrow scope of contrastive topics: a new perspective'. Talk at the University of Potsdam, 13 July 2004.

'A new look at the semantics/pragmatics of contrastive topics in Hungarian'. Talk at the DIP colloquium, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 4 June, 2004.

'Contrastive topics: interpretability and scope'. Talk at the Grammatikseminar of the Department of Nordic Languages, University of Lund, 27 May, 2004.

'Some issues in the interpretation of contrastive topics'. ZAS Semantikkreis, Berlin, 9 February 2004.

'The scope of Hungarian contrastive topics'. Talk given at the ZAS mini-workshop on topic indefinites, January 19, 2004.

'A New Approach to the Scope of Contrastive Topics'. Paper presented at the Worshop on dislocated elements in discourse: Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic perspectives, November 28-30, 2003. ZAS, Berlin.

'A magyar kontrasztiv topik jelentéstani vizsgálata'. [Semantic investigation of the Hungarian contrastive topic.] Talk given at Research Institute for Linguistics, HAS, Budapest, 21 October, 2003.

'Specificity and Information Structure. A unified approach to the semantics of contrastive topics'. Paper presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 8, September 29-October 1, 2003, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany.

'Contrastive topics: interpretability and interpretational constraints'. Poster, Information Structure in Context, IMS, Stuttgart, November 15-16, 2002, Stuttgart, Germany.

'Contrastive topics in a possible-world semantics'. Paper presented at the Seventh Symposium on Logic and Language, August 26-29, 2002, Pécs, Hungary.

'Az aktuális tagolás és a kvantorok hatóköre' [Information structure and the scope of quantifiers]. Paper, presented at the conference A mai magyar nyelv leírásának újabb módszerei V. [New methods in the description of Hungarian 5], September 27-29, 2001, Szeged, Hungary.

'Contrastive topics and alternatives'. Paper, presented at the Fifth International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, May 24-26, 2001, Budapest.

'Kvantoros kifejezések és alternatíváik a kontrasztív topikban.'[Quantificational expressions and their alternatives in contrastive topic] Paper, Presented at the conference  Funkcionális mondatperspektíva és szövegszerkesztési stratégia [Functional sentence perspective and discourse-building strategy], May 21, 2001, Miskolc, Hungary.

Kvantoros kifejezések és alternatíváik a kontrasztív topikban.' [Quantificational expressions and their alternatives in contrastive topic] Paper, Presented at the conference Funkcionális mondatperspektíva és szövegszerkesztési stratégia [Functional sentence perspective and discourse-building strategy], 21 May, 2001, Miskolc, Hungary.

A hatókör-értelmezés általános szabályai és a kontrasztív topik a magyarban' [The general rules of scope-assignment and the contrastive topic in Hungarian]. Paper presented at the Conference in Honour of the Hungarian Day of Science. 3 November, 2000, Szeged, Hungary.

'A hatókör-értelmezés általános szabályai és a kontrasztív topik a magyarban' [The general rules of scope-assignment and the contrastive topic in Hungarian]. Paper presented at the Conference in Honour of the Hungarian Day of Science. November 3, 2000, Szeged, Hungary.

'Contrastive Topics Cross-Linguistically'. Paper presented at the Second International Conference in Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics, September 11-13, 2000, Cambridge, UK.

'A természetes nyelvi kvantorok jelentésének lexikális és strukturális összetevõi'[Lexical and structural components of the meaning of quantifiers in natural language]. Invited talk, Tavaszi szél 2000 [Spring breeze: a meeting of Hungarian doctoral students and young researchers], 15 April 2000, Gödöllõ, Hungary.

'Nem fõnévi kategóriák a kontrasztív topik pozíciójában' [Non-nominal constituents in contrastive topic]. Paper presented at the Third Conference of Doctoral Students of Linguistics, November 18, 1999, Szeged, Hungary.

'The Interpretation of Adverbial Quantifiers in Contrastive Topic in Hungarian'. Paper presented at NELS 30, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 24 October 1999.

'Quantifiers, Contrastive Topics and Hungarian.' Poster presented at the Open House Poster Session at the Linguistics Department of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 12 March 1999.

On the Semantic Properties of Hungarian Quantifiers in Contrastive Topic'. Presentation at the Semantics Reading Group, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1 December, 1998.

'Anaphoric relations in Hungarian conditional sentences with indefinite NPs.' Paper presented at the 6th Symposium on Logic and Language, Budapest, 29-31 August 1998.

'On the Semantic Interpretation of Temporal and Conditional Subordinate Clauses in Hungarian.' Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, 26-28 August 1998, Pécs, Hungary.

'A Pragmatic Account of the Distribution of Hungarian Quantifiers In Contrastive Topic.' Paper presented at the Graduate Students' Third Linguistics Symposium, Budapest, June 5, 1998.

'Focus, Aspect and Quantification in Hungarian: a Compositional Approach.' Paper presented at Bridges and Interfaces: Form, Meaning and Function, Prague, 12-14 March, 1998.

'Az implicit temporális kvantorok interpretációjáról.' On the interpretation of Implicit Temporal quantifiers.] Paper presented at the First Conference of Doctoral Students of Linguistics, 28-29 November, 1997, Szeged, Hungary.

'A formális szemantika néhány mai problémájáról'. [Some problems of present-day formal semantics.] Invited talk, Doctoral Seminar at the PhD programme in Romance Studies of ELTE University, Budapest, 25 September 1997.

'Subordinate Clauses are not Always Restrictors.' Paper presented at the Graduate Students' Second Linguistics Symposium, June 6, 1997, Budapest, Hungary.

'Temporális kvantorok a magyarban. [Temporal Quantifiers in Hungarian]. Presented at the Third Conference on the New Methods of Describing Present-Day Hungarian. April 16-17, 1997, Szeged, Hungary.

'Az univerzális kvantifikáció értelmezése óvodáskorban. [The interpretation of universal quantification in preschool age]. Presented at the Sixth National Applied Linguistics Conference, 2-4 April, 1996, Nyíregyháza, Hungary.



